Computer Labs

Computer labs

Computer Labs

AEI is committed to providing its students with nothing but the best. Each of college of Advanced has Computer Labs to cater to the computational needs of the faculty, staff and students of that particular school.

Advanced Institute recognizes the key role that IT plays in teaching as well as research. Therefore, a high-speed optical fiber network of 10 Mbps with wireless redundancy allows all students to access a range of services across our entire campus.


Some salient features of our computer centers are:

  • A dedicated computer center at each school with an average capacity between 100 – 250 high-end computers that are easily accessible and provides excellent computational facilities to the faculty and students catering to their academic, research and recreational requirements.
  • The advanced campus has excellent internet connectivity.
  • All computers are a part of domain controller with the support for additional domain controllers.
  • Windows Server update services are installed for Patch Management in the entire campus.
  • Central Antivirus server provides security for the entire network.